St David's College Artane

Career Guidance and Counselling

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Guidance in St David's College refers to a range of learning experiences, provided in a developmental sequence, that assist students to develop self-management skills which will lead o effective choices and decisions about their lives. It encompasses the three separate but interlinked areas:

1. Personal Guidance & Counselling

Counselling is a key part of the school guidance programme and is offered on an individual or group basis as part of a developmental learning process and at moments of personal crisis. Counselling provides a listening support to issues that may arise in a students home, social or school life. Meetings with parents and maintaining strong links with outside agencies is a very important part of the role.

2. Vocational Guidance & Counselling

Working with students to support their own individual career search including CAO application, PLC applications, apprenticeship applications, scholarships, funding and interview preparation.

3. Educational Guidance & Counselling

Supports students during key transition periods in their post primary education, transition from primary to secondary school, subject choices, TY journey and progression to 3rd level and a students chosen career path.


Subject Choice at Senior Cycle

There are lots of factors to consider when choosing your subjects for Leaving Cert so it's important to do your research and make an informed decision.

Students must study 3 core subjects (unless exempt)

  1. Irish
  2. English
  3. Maths

Students must then select 4 additional subjects from the list below:

Humanities Group History French German
Social Group Geography Physical Education
Business Group Business Accounting
Science Group Biology Chemistry Physics
Artistic & Creative Group Art Music
Practical Group Construction Studies Engineering Design Communications & Graphics

Please take time to watch our video 'Guide to Choosing Subjects' designed and created by past pupil Josh Henvey.
Thanks to all senior cycle teachers and students for their contribution and in particular to K Reid and J Dunne.

Important Career Links

Programmes which address guidance issues within the curriculum

● Social, Personal and Health Education
● Relationships and Sexuality Education
● Religious Education
● Wellbeing Classes at junior cycle
● Transition year Programmes (Careers, Meditation and Social Skills Development)
● Work experience in TY, LCA and 5th year

Careers Fair



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St. David’s CBS, Artane, Dublin 5
01 831 5322
© 2025 St David's College Artane