St David's College Artane

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation and Mindfulness

Students live in a busy overstimulated world and opportunities to take time out and relax are few. Meditation and mindfulness classes offer students the opportunity to switch off from the outside world, go within and become calm.

All classes, from first to sixth year, have an opportunity to take meditation or mindfulness class (one period per week for one hour). If any student is interested in participating, please speak with Ms Bennett our Mindfulness/Meditation Teacher.

Feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive. The students really enjoy learning to meditate, relax and master deep breathing.

Great improvements have been made with students becoming more focused, paying more attention in class and feeling more content in themselves. Their response has been exceptional, with students reporting feeling more calm and in control, displaying greater concentration and focus both inside and outside school. Parents have also commented on the considerable benefits of the meditation class.

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The benefits of meditation are cumulative. The more often you meditate and the longer you continue to meditate, the better it gets. You will find yourself being more peaceful during the day when you are just going about your ordinary business. If a difficult situation or crisis comes up, you will handle it in a calmer way.

The benefits of meditation are tenfold. Listed below are some of the many advantages:


Regular meditation practice increases immune function, decreases pain and decreases inflammation at a cellular level.


Meditation increases positive emotion, decreases depression, decreases anxiety and stress. It increases your sense of connection to others, your emotional intelligence and it makes you more compassionate. It makes you feel less lonely, boosts your self-control and improves your ability to regulate your emotions.


Meditation increases grey matter and volume in areas related to emotion regulation, positive emotions and self-control. It increases cortical thickness in areas related to paying attention, increases your focus and attention and improves your ability to multitask. It improves your memory and ability to be creative and think outside the box.

Meditation is one of the best gifts you can give your body!

Life Coaching

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Ms Bennett is a trained and licenced ‘ Heal Your Life’ teacher, workshop leader and life coach (based on the transformational and life-changing philosophy of Louise Hay). During one to one coaching sessions with students, she helps them to learn strategies to cope with everyday stressful situations, using a range of techniques such as meditation, visualisation and affirmations increase their self-esteem and learn emotional resilience, develop coping skills to effect positive change in their lives

A life coach helps people clarify goals, develop the behaviours and attitudes to achieve those goals and focus energy in the direction of achievement. The simple fact of having a focused coaching time each week is a great motivator and support for students. As a coach, Ms Bennett is a facilitator and helps the students to gain balance in body, mind and emotion.“It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed.

  • I am not limited by any past thinking.
  • I choose my thoughts with care.
  • I am willing to change and grow. ~ Louise Hay

Heal Your Life Further Information

St. David’s CBS, Artane, Dublin 5
01 831 5322
© 2025 St David's College Artane