St David's College Artane

St David's College Uniform

Students must be in full uniform (including black shoes/ black runners).

Lynch’s of Marino and David Carey Menswear in Northside SC stock the school uniform. Trousers, shirts and shoes can also be purchased in Penny’s, Dunnes, Tesco etc.

The school Jacket is also available from Lynch’s. This is the only jacket or a plain black jacket permitted on school grounds.

Lynch’s of Marino – 130 Philipsburg Avenue, Marino-

Website link

Lynchs August Appointment copy.jpg


We will have a phased introduction of the new uniform over the next few years. If your son has just completed 1st, 2nd, TY or 5th year, he may have a uniform that still fits him and he can continue to wear this next year.
  • incoming 1st year students must wear the new Junior Uniform
  • Current 3rd year students transferring into transition year or 5th year must wear the new senior uniform
  • Students going into 2nd, 3rd, or 6th year can wear their old uniform if it still fits, or they can choose to purchase the new uniform
We have also introduced a PE tracksuit which can be worn for all classes on the day the students have PE. Students can wear any runners of choice with their PE tracksuit on PE day only.
Junior Cycle Uniform:
- Jumper (large red stripe on sleeves)
- White Polo
- Navy trousers/skirt. The trousers can be bought in most shops (Carey's, Lynch's, Penneys, M and S, Dunnes etc, but the skirt is a specific design and must be bought from Lynch's or David Carey.
- PE tracksuit bottoms. There is no extra PE top, the normal school top (above) can also be worn for PE.
- Crested PE T-shirt
- Plain black school shoes or plain black runners.
- A school jacket or a plain black jacket.
- Navy socks if wearing Skirt
Senior Cycle Uniform:
- Jumper (Thin red stripe on sleeves)
- White Polo
- Navy trousers
- PE tracksuit bottoms. There is no extra PE top, the normal school top (above) can also be worn for PE.
- Plain black school shoes or plain black runners.
- A school jacket or a plain black jacket.
** Iron on crests will be available to purchase from the school office for anyone who wishes to buy extra white polos. (All items of uniform must be crested)
St. David’s CBS, Artane, Dublin 5
01 831 5322
© 2025 St David's College Artane