St David's College Artane

Student Voice

The main role of a Student Council is set out in the Education Act “to promote the interests of the school and the involvement of students in the affairs of the school, in co-operation with the board, parents and teachers”.

The Student Council sets its own objectives and these vary from year to year. Some general objectives could be: uniform related, food in the canteen, policies, improved communication between management and students. The Student Council is made up of the Class Captain’s and Vice Captain’s, who are elected yearly within their class group. They meet once a week or every two weeks to discuss matters arising in the school. They are led by a teacher from the staff, who coordinates the meeting. The meeting is chaired by the Chairperson and the minutes recorded by the Secretary.

The Student Council regularly receives training from either the ISSU (Irish Second Level Students Union) or from ERST (Edmund Rice Schools Trust). St David’s is an ERST school and we are very lucky to have the support and guidance from ERST when required.

Prefect Programme

St David’s CBS first piloted a Prefect Programme in the school in 2017 for Senior Students. It is now in its third year and the students of St David’s continue to show leadership by volunteering to be Prefects. Each Prefect works with a first year or second year group. They build a rapport with their base class and meet with them as often as they can. They also volunteer to help out on days in the school calendar that require that bit of extra support. We look forward to more students of St David’s College volunteering to be part of this programme.


Christmas Toy Appeal 2020

Our prefects and student council worked hard in promoting and collecting toys for St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Toy Appeal. Well done to all on your amazing work.


Student Council members alongside their classmates would like to wish everyone in the St. David's Community

' A Happy Christmas '

St. David’s CBS, Artane, Dublin 5
01 831 5322
© 2025 St David's College Artane